Category Archives: Writing

A Favorite, amongst Favorites.

Book Challenge Day 1: Favorite Book

I imagine this is like picking a favorite kid. Not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings, you deny having one. Or in your brood of six, maybe you can fancy multiple darlings. But is it fair to court invitations for more than one in-law suite?

I don’t know. I’ll probably have a favorite child (sorry future children…if you are reading this, then know it’s you), but books? Have you seen my shelves?

Jacob Have I loved. The Book Thief. Laura Ingalls Wilder Collection. The Sound and the Fury. The Hunger Games. The English Patient. Walk Two Moons. The Glass Castle. The Road. Fahrenheit 451. The Great Gatsby. The Picture of Dorian Gray. On the Road.Tears of the Moon. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. The Killing Dance (Anita Blake #6). Shopgirl. Tuck Everlasting. Angela’s Ashes. The list goes on and on.

But I suppose, in my heart of hearts – or my heart of most referenced/quotable –  it would have to be The Color Purple. Simply because it was the first book to give me a “definition” of religion I believed in: “…have you ever found God in church? I never did…I believe God is everything…Everything that is or ever was or ever will be. And when you cam feel that, and be happy to feel that, you’ve found it.”colorpurple

I can quote it. Without my quote book. Surely, that must mean something.

Before this book, I was a snob about books remaining in their natural state. But with so many quotes that stirred my soul, I began underlining, highlighting, writing in the margins, bending back the pages. I couldn’t tatter it enough with my love.

Now you want to read it, right?

Well, I’m going to throw a slight curve-ball confession. One that may give my future children hope of a shared favorite amongst the lot. Because if I were to live in the in-law suite of a cherished book’s binding, it wouldn’t be The Color Purple (Sorry Ms. Walker). Oh no, I’d give up all my worldly goods to retire, forever, amongst the Harry Potter series (see, I can’t even pick a favorite of those!). I’d soak in bubbles made of butter beer. Learn to play Quidditch. And never bore from reading Hogwarts, A History.

And I know I’m not alone in this. Right now, you’re probably cursing yourself for not having thought of a butter beer bubble bath first. But I also once read an editorial by a young man lamenting that he couldn’t wait to have children, simply for the delight in watching their faces as he read aloud from this magical world. Doesn’t that just give you goosebumps? And make you want to throw your birth control to the wind? (J/k on the latter one).

But oh, to have any excuse to re-live that world would be worth my weight in gold galleons. So Book Challenge, what is my can’t-live-without it favorite book(s)? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Purple. Final Answer.

So tell me, what’s your favorite?

Harry Potter Books

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Filed under Books, Writing

Death of a Librarian

Pardon me while I grey my hair and curmudgeon my spirit, but I have a bone to pick.

Kids these days: 25 Angry Kids Who Can’t Do Their Homework Because of the Wikipedia Blackout. 

You’re telling me that they rely solely on the Internet for research papers? What about the thrill of the chase? The fist pump of victory when you prove your thesis with an obscure reference from a dusty book only the librarian can find?

In my day, we worked for the answers.  Dozens of books. Stacks of notecards. Dewy, Dewey  decimals. We didn’t just show a little “wiki” to get a good grade. We had multiple parenthetical references.

I miss those days of term papers and book reports…when a set of encyclopedias was a treat.

Alright. Alright. I hear you snickering about my smart phone addiction. I am, after all, a twenty-something with a crush on Apple. Let’s remove the powdered wig and admit to being an information junkie, one who is compelled to appease any curiosity by popping open the laptop. But by golly, what about my old friends? Have they been abandoned to the new Kindle-laced American Dream?

Left in the dawn of an information blackout, it sure does feel like we’ve become a bunch of cheaters.

I hope they are still touring


Filed under Books, Humor, Writing

Hello world. I’m here (again).

Back in college, I used to keep a blog because I like to think I have something to say. It was mostly my musings on life, Maroon 5 release dates, my mother’s sitcom-worthy antics, concerns about the post-grad world and, too often, wildly inappropriate sentiments that are better forgotten. When real life hit, the blog fell to the wayside and somehow, it never occurred to me to resurrect it.

But then I had the epiphany “to be a writer, one must write.”  (A)

This was followed by the reading of Mindy Kaling’s book “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?” on vacation. Her writing helped me to see I can write about whatever the heck I want, even shit for birds. (B)

So here I am, with this aptly titled blog. (C)

Aptly you wonder? Growing up, my mother often exclaimed “Shit for the birds!” because that’s what her mother said when life called for it.  She had no idea what it meant only that she feels it’s correct for the moment in which it’s said.

In that same fashion, I haven’t a clue what this blog is about other than it feels right in the moment. So if you have an affinity for word pairings and enjoy fun and laughter, stay tuned. You might find something here worth reading.

Until I get rolling, read Mindy. Consider it pregaming for what’s to come here.

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Filed under Books, Humor, Life, Writing